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Dear Families,

       With Tucson reaching 100 degrees yesterday, the end of the school year must be around the corner.  We are working hard to finish up projects, complete end of the year assessments and finish up the last of our curriculum.  We continue to focus on instruction each day so attendance is important for your child’s continued growth.  We have our last robotics class this week.  The children have done a wonderful job of working together and truly enjoy programming the robots and completing their tasks each week.  Although we did send home thank you notes from the children each week, I want to thank all the parent volunteers that helped each week to make this activity go so smoothly.
       As I work on the end of the year assessments, I am amazed at how far the children have come in reading, writing and math.  Handwriting has changed so much for so many since the beginning of the year.  I love reading their stories now.  The details they add make me laugh and their opinions are showing through.  I hope you see the same changes that I am and you are enjoying their growth as people.

          Have a great weekend!

          Mrs. Berk