
Dear Families,
The Cheetah class had a great week of learning, building relationships and refining our study habits. We finished most, but not all, of our assessments.  We do have a few more to go, but the end is in sight.  We introduced word work as the last part of the Daily 5. We will start library next week. We will go to the library on Wednesday afternoons at 2 pm. 
       Our schedule changed due to some unforeseen scheduling conflicts, please review it on the class website.  The children have been very into the nutrition portion of our health unit, so we will extend it into next week.  They keep adding things that they would like to do and discuss, including making a group book of our favorite healthy foods.  We are using this book to go through the writing process that we have talked about in Daily 5. 
       Picture day is Wednesday, September 7th.  Our time will be after our specials that morning, but before we go out for recess.  Please be on the lookout for the picture order form. 
There is NO early release on Thursday, September 8th. 
       You will find your child’s homework folder in his/her backpack today.  Let me know if you have any questions.
       We had a new friend start in our class today.  Welcome Ali!  We will now be a class of 22!  I hope everyone has a wonderful 3-day weekend.

                             Mrs Berk