
Dear Families,

       As I sat down at my computer, I became very sad because I realized this will be my last newsletter for the school year.  This has been an amazing school year.  Your children have grown so much since they arrived on August 9th for Meet the Teacher.  We have had so much fun learning together.  I want to thank everyone who came Wednesday night.  The children were so excited to share what they had done with you.  I spoke with Mrs. Davidson and Ms. Pence, since the videos do not identify children and do not have faces of those who cannot be posted on the internet, we will be uploading them to the Sunrise Youtube channel.  When I have that email address and confirmation that it is done, I will let you know.
       Today, we are super excited to explore Flandreau Planetarium and Science Center.  Thank you to those who are joining us.  It will be an educational day.  Next week is three regular school days.  Monday, we will have a presentation from Tucson Water.  On Tuesday afternoon, we will have our in-class camp out.  The children are welcome to wear pajamas, bring a pillow and a flashlight.  Please make sure that these items are small enough to fit in backpacks.  Wednesday, we celebrate the last day of school in many creative ways. 
       On Monday, your child will bring home a binder of all of their writing from the whole school year.  I hope you enjoy reading it all.  Their folders and math notebooks are coming home today.  While we will be working, we will not be using the folders anymore.  Homework folders can stay home as well! 
       If you are looking for things to work on with your children this summer here are some ideas.  For any of these ideas, please make it a game or something that is enjoyable to do.  I want learning to continue to be fun.  For math, continue to work on fluency with addition and especially subtraction facts to 10.  Most of the class is still working on this.  Reading and writing are a part of our daily lives.  Find authentic ways to include them.  Write some letters to family members, write a story for a friend, a journal for a trip you take, write the grocery list, a book review, or a thank you card.  Have your child continue to read every day.  The public library has a wonderful summer reading program with prizes.  I have updated their levels in Raz Kids.  Most should continue to work on retelling a story after they have read it.  These are all great skills that will help them be ready for 2nd grade.
       Thank you for all of the love you showed me during Teacher Appreciation Week.  I loved seeing the children’s cards and special things they brought for me.  It has been a wonderful year.  Thank you for all that you do for your children.  They are special people.  I hope when they come back in fall they will come and say Hi! 

          Have a great summer!

                           Mrs. Berk