
Dear Families,

       Finally, the first day of spring is upon us and already we feel like it is summer.  In math, we worked on grouping items to make counting faster this week.  We talked about grouping numbers using any number from 2 to 10.  We spent most of our time counting by 2, 5, and 10.  Next week we will do similar activities, but use money to count.  In writing, we are working on finishing up our unit on informational writing.  Next we will move on to opinion writing.  In reading, we continue to explore the parts of a non-fiction book as well as review how to retell a story that we have read.  We will talk about the difference between the little details and the big picture.  We are also exploring silent e words.  For some, this is an easy transition, but for others, it is hard to break the habit of reading short vowel sounds.  In science, we will start researching in small groups.   The children have been assigned to an animal group.  They then picked an animal or animal type to research.  I will have books and internet sites for them to find information.  During the week before spring break, they will start putting their presentations together.  Each group will be making an IMovie with pictures. They will then take turns narrating each part of the movie when they present.  Along with the upcoming play in music, there will be a presentation of their projects.
We have many important dates coming up right after Spring Break.  There is Robotics. We are still looking for volunteers for our Robotics times on Fridays April 14, 21, 28 and May 5 from 9:20 to 10:20.  Please let me know if you are available to help out.  The more help we have, the more the children will get out of the class, so if you can make the time, we would love to have you.  The children will be presenting a play that they have been preparing in music class.  It will be on Wednesday, April 19th from 8:40 to 9:10, please join us.  This is their regular music time.  We are working on a walking field trip to the fire station and a few other places.  Once that date is in place, I will let you know and have a sign up for volunteers.

          Have a great weekend!

          Mrs. Berk