
Dear Families,

Spiders and Ciders is upon us!  As campus started the transition on Thursday, the children’s level of excitement exponentially increased.   I will be here tonight in full costume with make-up on (a Dr. Seuss character), so the kids will have to look hard to find me, but I will be in the games area from 6 – 7pm.  I know I would love to see all who are here in costume!  Tonight is the time for costumes. On Monday, there are no costumes or crazy hair.  School will be a regular day.  All candy should be left at home as well, please.  Candy is not brain food and it does not help them concentrate and focus on what needs to be done.  Thank you for all your help in making this a fun holiday for all.
This week was a typical busy week in the classroom.  We finished up our plant unit.  We will continue to visit the garden to see our lettuce, carrots, and beets grow.  We also need to check on our pumpkins as they decompose.  We will move from science to social studies as we start our map unit and a short unit on elections.  As you visit places with your family, if there is a map that you can get for us, I would love to have them in the classroom.  In math, we will continue with addition and subtraction both in fluency and in word problems.  We will start moving into missing number problems soon. 
Reading your children’s writing is so much fun.  The personal narratives that they are starting to produce are very cute to read.  We are going to work on revision techniques this week so as they write the narrative that they are going to publish, they will be able to go back, reread, and add/change what they have already written.  The children are starting to build an understanding of mental images.  We started with working on changing mental images as we read poems this week and will continue with it next week.
Thank you to the families that sent in box tops to the classroom.  They will continue to collect through Monday morning.  The next collection period will be in February, so keep collecting. 
I hope everyone has a safe and fun weekend.  I know I will be enjoying as many pumpkin treats as I can!

              Mrs. Berk