
Dear Families,

       Somehow we have reached the last full week of school for next week.  I am not sure where the time went.  It really feels like Meet the Teacher was just last week.  At the bottom of the newsletter and on the last homework sheet are all the upcoming dates for the rest of the school year.  Please read carefully so you do not miss anything!
       This week was another busy week in first grade.  We worked on some end of the year assessments.  We worked hard on opinion writing for both a general opinion paragraph and a book review.  We finished up illustrating our published books to be able to show you on Wednesday.  In math, we continue to work on geometry and will finish up that unit next week.  In social studies, we finished up our community unit, and we are having a few conversations about ancient Egypt and comparing that to our communities today.  In science next week we will finish the year with a unit on rocks and soil.  Plus, we wrote and performed some puppet shows for our friends. 
       In their backpacks today are Mother’s Day gifts and cards for this weekend.  They are breakable, so I hope they all make it home safely!  I do have a few extras that we can redo if one does not make it home.
       Here are all the upcoming dates and information that you need to have for the next two weeks!
·      Wednesday, May 17 – Author Celebration in the Art Room at 5 PM
·      Friday, May 19 – Field trip to Flandreau Science Center 9:15 – 2:00
o   All children must have lunch from home!  We are not eating at school.
o   Please wear comfortable walking shoes and bring a hat, we are eating lunch outside.
·      Monday, May 22 – Water Presentation
·      Tuesday, May 23 – Camp-out
o   All children may bring a pillow, flashlight and wear pajamas.
·      Wednesday, May 24 – Last day of School
o   5th grade promotion Ceremony 8:30 am

          Have a great weekend!

          Mrs. Berk