
Dear Families,

       The children are working hard on their research projects.  It is wonderful to watch them read books and collect data.  They are fascinated by their animals and what they are learning.  Next week we will introduce how to make an iMovie.  We will start the projects next week and finish them after spring break.  In math, we spent the week working on counting money.  They have been very successful with it.  We will finish up money next week and continue our study of place value.  In writing, we will begin our unit on opinion writing.  In both writing and reading, we are working on silent e.  We are talking about word endings and how they are different from short vowel words and long vowel words.  Next Friday, we will have visitors from the University of Arizona Entomology Department.  
       In your child’s folder this week, the homework assignment is to make a SMALL house.  We will be making a community that the students will be able to interact with and write about.  Our unit on community will start after Spring Break.  We have a walking field trip the Thursday after spring break, April 13.  Please sign the permission slip and fill out the medical form and return it to school as soon as possible.  Your child must have a signed permission slip to go on the field trip.  I will send out a sign up genius next week for volunteers.
We have many important dates coming up right after Spring Break.  There is Robotics. We are still looking for volunteers for our Robotics times on Fridays, April 14, 21, 28 and May 5 from 9:20 to 10:20.  Please let me know if you are available to help out.  The more help we have, the more the children will get out of the class, so if you can make the time, we would love to have you.  The children will be presenting a play that they have been preparing in music class.  It will be on Wednesday, April 19th from 8:40 to 9:10, please join us.  This is their regular music time. 

          Have a great weekend!

          Mrs. Berk