
Dear Families,

          While it may have been a cold and wintery week, in the classroom we kept busy, working hard.  This week we visited the garden and pulled weeds.  We also picked a couple of the items we planted.  The children were amazed at how big our carrots and our lettuce grew.  They are looking forward to picking the rest in a couple of weeks.  We will also plant some things in the room and transfer them to the garden soon.  We finished up our discussion on Civil Rights Day and talked about the Presidential Inauguration.  We learned facts about MLK’s life and about the oath of office the President takes.  Next week, we will start our objects in the sky unit.  In math, we continued to discuss non-standard measurement.  We compared different sizes of measurement and looked at when we would use each one.  Next week, we will continue with time and discuss fractions.  We are working on informational writing this month.  We talked about how to elaborate our stories to add more information.  We started a unit on how asking questions helps good readers.  We will use a lot of “I wonder” statements to think more deeply about the books we read. 
          We had our first KIVA this week.  There were several contests announced and we had several winners.  Congrats to all that showed the Sunrise Spirit of hard work.  A new student joined us this week.  The children continue to work hard to make him feel welcome in the classroom.  Next week is a regular week, so we will have early release on Thursday.  Mondaywill be the 100th day of school, we will do a few extra activities to celebrate that we have made it so far into the school year. Tonight is Science Night at 6 pm.  I hope to see you there.
          The homework for the next three weeks is to write a sentence for each student for their Valentine’s Day card.  This will take some parental guidance.  Attached to the homework is a list of all of the students’ names and some ideas for sentence starters.  If you need paper to make your Valentine’s please let me know.

          Have a fantastic weekend!

          Mrs. Berk