
Dear Families,

Pumpkins are in the air, it is my favorite time of year!  We had a busy week back after break.  Science and Math became one for much of the week as we took the 5 pumpkins that were donated, did a series of predictions and then took measurements, On Tuesday, with the fabulous help of Jeanette and Sarah, we cut the tops off our pumpkins and scooped out the seeds.  Then on Wednesday we counted all of our seeds!  We ended up with over 2000 seeds!!  We worked on our observation skills as well when the students sketched what they saw.  We also planted wheat seeds in straws, and checked on our garden as we continue to learn about plants.  In math, we reviewed addition word problems with multiple solutions.  In language arts we started our poetry unit.  As we talked about with our Mem Fox explorations, good readers connect to what they read. We are looking at how good readers create mental images of what they read.  We will continue our poetry unit through November.  In writing, we continue to write narratives.  We are discussing the concept of rereading our writing so we can go back and add more information.  The days are passing quickly and are full of learning each and every day.
Next week is the week to send in all of the Box Tops that you have collected so far this year.  By collecting Box Tops, you help buy items for the classrooms.  There will be a collection box in the classroom for them.  Any and all you send in are greatly appreciated.  I want to thank all of you who have sent in headphones of some sort.  If you are not able to get a pair, please send me an email, and I will make sure your child has a set.  Each pair is being put in a Ziploc bag and labeled with your child’s name on the bag.   
While this is a fabulous time of year for all sorts of fun snacks, please remember to send in snacks that promote healthy brains and energy for learning.  Some great ideas are cheese sticks, crackers of any kind, fruit, or a granola bar.
I was able to meet with every family over the last 2.5 weeks and I really appreciate the time you took to come in and talk with me.  Your children are so much fun.  I continue to wake up each morning, excited to see what new things they will come up with.  Thank you for your support!

Have a great weekend!

              Mrs. Berk