
Dear Families,

September has disappeared in a flash and it ended with a crazy weather week.  It was a busy week in the classroom as well as the weather.  We are finishing up with our lessons on making connections with books.  I will continue to talk about it during the year and it is something good to practice as you read at home with your child.  In writing, we have been focusing on adding beginning and endings to our narrative stories (stories about ourselves).  We will continue to learn to write stories about ourselves and we will publish one in November.  In math, we continue exploring 2 dimensional shapes.  The children are having to show the many ways they can make a new shape with different pattern blocks.  We will finish up this unit next week and then begin again with numbers and word problems.  In science, we investigated seeds this week.  The children learned the 3 parts of the seed.  We also picked our corn. We saw what insects do to crops and how Indian corn changes.  Next week we will start the plant life cycle and talk about scientific drawings. 
Please remember that tomorrow, Saturday, October 1st is Family Fix It Day/ Garden clean up.  It is from 7:00 am to 12:00.  I will be here for the first hour to help.  Hope to see you there!  Next week is a regular week.  We have early release on Thursday.  The FFO is doing the Box Top Fundraiser again this year.  Once you collect some, please send them in.  Book Orders are due Friday.  The books will probably arrive just after fall break.  I added the website and class activation code under links.  I am looking forward to meeting with you over the next couple of weeks for conferences.  Please let me know if your child’s end of the day routine will change during conference week.

                      Have a great weekend!

                                    Mrs. Berk