Dear Families,
     Our first full week will have many new adventures.  As you read above, we have become the Cheetah class and we have named our mascot Spot.  On Friday, we looked at what makes the cheetah special.  This week, we will start our math program, work on some assessments, continue to learn about our friends, start our writing program, and review/teach some reading skills.  Assessments help me learn each child’s strengths and next steps. Please help me teach your child that assessments help teachers teach better.  Folders will come home every Monday and, once homework starts, they will be due back the following Monday.  Although there is no homework yet, you can start by reading with your child 10 to 20 minutes a day.  Even if they can read on their own, it is great practice to read out loud to someone often. 
To minimize allergic reactions in the classroom, we ask that students do not eat foods with peanuts or nuts for snack in the classroom.  However, if you find that you will send foods with peanuts or nuts we will make sure your child has an area to eat so that the peanuts and nuts are not found in all work areas in the room.   We will wash our hands after we have snack to help keep everyone healthy.  This will help in flu season as well!!!  Thank you for your help. 
In your folder is the expanded version of the first grade policies.  If you have any questions please feel free to email, call or send a note with any questions.  The class website is listed in the paperwork; however, it is not yet active.  I’ll let you know when to start checking it.
Your children make me smile with what they say and do each and every day.   I know this year will be full of learning and fun!  Thank you for all of the supplies you brought in and the offers for more when I need it.  I think we are good for now.  It is amazing to work at such a wonderfully caring school.  The FFO has made me feel so welcome as have all of you. 

Have a wonderful week!

                      Mrs. Berk